Monday, 5 November 2007

And Now a Word from our Sponsor

And here is that intrepid explorer himself, about to brave the elements and set of for foreign shores in Jackson's Cracker. Alex Jordan, the man, the myth, the legend, who started all of this shows a fine pair of calves, a healthy disdain for the fickle fashion of sailing attire, and can barely contain his excitement at the prospect

Introducing Gem and her Faithfull Companion.

Doing what they do best, Phil Oxborrow and his sometimes reluctant but allways faithfull companion Gem cruising along in Phil's Prospector canoe.

Wideawake, Catlin & Jackson's Cracker.

Phil Humphries at the helm of his Ness Yawl "Wideawake" sails past her wee sister "Caitlin" a Whilly Tern. Both boats were designed by Iain Oughtred.

Reflected in the glassy surface of the water Adam Claridge sets off in "Jackson's Cracker" an absolutely stunning Mallard by Andrew Wolstenholm. The reader will have gathered by now that there wasn't much wind at this stage on the Saturday. As happens so often on these occasions by the time we all had to leave on Sunday afternoon it was blowing up good style.